
The companies that comprise the Swiss cement industry are actively committed to providing education and further training to future generations and specialist personnel. All cemsuisse member organisations offer apprenticeships and support further training for their employees.

Having a good education is the cornerstone of a successful career (image: LafargeHolcim)

Investing in future generations

Having well-educated trainees makes all the difference to a company’s success. By training young apprentices, industry-specific know-how can be preserved and carried forward into the future. This is essential for maintaining the competitiveness and continued existence of the cement industry in Switzerland.

DAS concrete engineer at the University of Applied Sciences Northwest Switzerland (FHNW) (image: FHNW)

DAS concrete engineer: constructing with concrete – new knowledge

In partnership with Betonsuisse, the School of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geomatics at the University of Applied Sciences Northwest Switzerland (FHNW) is now offering further training for the concrete engineers of tomorrow. The three professional certificate study programmes on offer centre on the topics of concrete studies, concrete technology and protection and repair for concrete structures. The courses offer a pathway into the industry and are aimed at a wide range of prospective students from the construction and planning sectors.

An in-depth look into concrete technology (image: TFB)

Vocational exam for building materials testing technicians (concrete and mortar) w/ Federal PET Diploma

The term “quality” is increasingly becoming a catchphrase in the construction industry. Despite this, structural insecurities are becoming increasingly common and necessitate extensive and costly repairs. How can we show such contradictions the door? Through the building material tester programme. Students who complete this comprehensive and industry-recognised training course also have the option of obtaining a professional qualification in building material testing from SERI.

Cooperation with many different educational institutions (image: Simon Senn/wiki)

Collaboration in education

The Swiss cement industry works in close cooperation with the TFB Training Centre and Bau und Wissen (Construction and Knowledge) training institutions, both of which are essential to the sector. The “Ausbildungszentrum des Schweizerischen Baumeisterverbandes” (Training Centre of the Swiss Association of Master Builders) and the “Schweizerische Bauschule Aarau” (Swiss Construction School Aarau) are also highly important to the Swiss cement, construction and planning industries as a whole.

Future prospects
Building knowledge
The cement industry is committed to ensuring that its workforce is highly educated.