
Technical standards are omnipresent in society and are indispensable to ensuring smooth cooperation on a wide range of topics. European standards (ENs) are rules that have been ratified by a European body for promoting standardisation, such as the European Committee for Standardization (CEN). In Switzerland, the applicable standards are governed by the Swiss Association for Standardization (SNV). Through standardisation, the SNV ensures that international cooperation can take place.

Standards deal with issues around topics such as stability (image: cemsuisse)

Guidelines for the construction industry

The standards in the construction industry are governed by the Swiss Society of Engineers and Architects (SIA), as well as the Swiss Association of Road and Traffic Experts (VSS). These organisations and their commissions develop, curate and publish numerous standards, regulations, guidelines and recommendations that are authoritative for the Swiss construction industry.

Standards ensure safety and enable constructions that are built to last.