Occupational safety

The health and safety of employees are of paramount importance to the companies in the Swiss cement industry. Cement companies have a daily commitment to preventing occupational accidents and to ensuring the physical well-being of their staff.

Raising workers’ awareness of key health and safety issues is essential (image: Jura Cement)

Safety is always the main priority.

The workplace plays host to many dangers. Comprehensive measures need to be put in place to ensure safety in the workplace, particularly in areas in which heavy machinery is used. This also applies to the cement industry, as diggers, dump trucks, lorries and other vehicles are often required. In order to protect their employees in this environment, Swiss cement manufacturers provide working conditions that safeguard the health and safety of their employees. The main objective of this is the continued reduction in the number of accidents in the workplace. Safety is always the main priority.

Occupational accidents
“Zero harm to people”
By joining forces, cemsuisse and its members want to make this vision a reality.